IP Phone Escene dengan Teknologi LDAP
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IP Phone Escene Berteknologi LDAP
IP Phone Escene dilengkapai dengan teknologi LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) adalah protocol ringan yang berfungsi untuk mengakses layanan Directory. protokol software yang fungsinya supaya orang dapat mencari resource organisasi, perorangan dan lainnya, misalnya file atau printer di dalam network di internet atau LAN ( intranet ) .
Informasi pada LDAP berbasis pada ENTRY, yaitu sekumpulan atribut-atribut yang memiliki Distinguished Name (DN) yang unik. DN digunakan untuk mengacu pada entri tanpa ada kesalahan atau kerancuan dengan ketepatan.
Setiap atribut-atribut entry memiliki tipe dan satu atau lebih nilai. Tipe biasanya berbentuk string mnemonic seperti “cn” untuk common name, “sn” untuk Surname, homePhone untuk homeTelephoneNumber.
LDAP adalah system Protocol client-Server untuk mengakses DIRECTORY SERVICE. Fungsi LDAP untuk melacak organisasi, individu dan sumber lain seperti File dan device di dalam network ( Internet dan intranet ) sehingga kita dapat mengetahui DOMAIN NAME, IP Address atau lokasi geografik.
Sebuah LDAP dapat didistributsikan diantara banyak server pada jaringan, kemudian dapat di-sinkronisasi secara teratur atau waktu yang ditentukan.
Protokol LDAP membentuk direktori yang berisi Tree Hierarchy ( hirarki pohon ) yang memiliki cabang atau ranting , mulai dari negara (countries), kota, organisasi, departemen sampai dengan perorangan. Dengan menggunakan LDAP, seseorang dapat mencari informasi mengenai orang lain tanpa harus mengetahui lokasi orang yang akan dicari itu.
LDAP sering digunakan di system cloud. LDAP dapat digunakan sebagai sumber authentikasi aplikasi jaringan seperti authentikasi mail server, vpn server, file server, dan layanan server lainnya yang mendukung LDAP.
Pada IP Phone Escene, LDAP digunakan untuk sinkronisasi Phonebook, sehingga semua nomor telepon dapat tersimpan di dalam IP Phone Escene.
Semua IP Phone Escene sudah support LDAP, yaitu tipe ES205, ES220, ES290, ES320, ES410, ES620, etc.
Please note that LDAP Phonebook support on all model, then access to the web UI¢ PhoneBook¢ LDAP page, you can find the configured option is like following picture.
Berikut penjelasan parameter attributes pada tiap baris :
Abbrevation | Name | Description
cn | commonName | Full name of the user.
company | company | Company or organization name
gn | givenName | Firstname also called Christian name
homePhone | homeTelephoneNumber
Home Phone number |
mobile | mobileTelephoneNumber | Mobile or cellular phone number
o | organizationName | Organization name or even organizational name |
ou | organizationalUnitName | Usually department or any sub entity of larger entity |
pager | pagerTelephoneNumber | Pager telephone number
sn | surname | Surname,last name or family name
– | telephoneNumber | Office phone number |
Attributes on Escene Configured Page
3.2.1 LDAP Name Filter
Description: LDAP name filter is the search criteria for name look ups. The format of the search filter is compliant to
the standard string representations of LDAP search filters (RFC 2254). The name prefix for search entered by the user
is represented by the “%” symbol in the filter.
Valid Values: Standard LDAP filters e.g. (&(sn=%)(telephoneNumber=%s))
Default Value: <blank>
¢ (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=%s))
Returns all LDAP records which have the “telephoneNumber” field set and the “sn” field starts with the entered prefix.
3.2.2 LDAP Number Filter
Description: LDAP number filter is the search criteria for number look ups. The format of the search filter is compliant to the standard string representations of LDAP search filters (RFC 2254). The number prefix for search entered by the user is represented by the “%” symbol in the filter.
Valid Values: Standard LDAP filters e.g. (|(telephoneNumber=%s)(Mobile=%s)(ipPhone=%s))
Default Value: <blank>
¢ (|(telephoneNumber=%s)(Mobile=%s)(ipPhone=%s))
Returns all LDAP records which have the “telephoneNumber” or “Mobile” or “ipPhone”field starting with the entered prefix.
¢ (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=*))
Returns all LDAP records which have the “sn” field set and the “telephoneNumber” field starts with the entered prefix.
3.2.3 Server Address
Description: This setting refers to the DNS name or IP address of the LDAP server.
Default Value:
¢ ldap.company.com
3.2.4 Port
Description: This setting specifies the LDAP server port.
Default Value: 389
3.2.5 Base
Description: This setting specifies the LDAP search base (the distinguished name of the search base object) which corresponds to the location in the directory from which the LDAP search is requested to begin. The search base narrows the search scope and decreases directory lookup time. If you have multiple organizational units in your directory (for example, OU=Sales in O=COMPANY and OU=Development in O=COMPANY), but the “OU=Sales” organization never uses AOL AIM, you can restrict the lookup to the OU=Development subtree only by entering providing the following search base: OU=Development, O=COMPANY. Other examples see below.
Default Value: <blank>
¢ o=SFU,c=CA
¢ dc=escene,dc=cn
3.2.6 User Name
Description: This setting specifies the bind “Username” for LDAP servers. Most LDAP servers allow anonymous binds in which case the setting can be left blank. However if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous binds, you will need to provide the Username and Password allowed to query the LDAP server.
Default Value: <blank>
3.2.7 Password
Description: This setting specifies the bind “Password” for LDAP servers. Escene phones use “simple” authentication scheme for bind requests. This setting can be left blank in case the server allows anonymous binds. Otherwise you will need to provide the Password along with the Username in order to access the LDAP server.
Default Value: <blank>
3.2.8 Max.Hits(1~32000)
Description: This setting specifies the maximum number of search results to be returned by the LDAP server. If Max.hits is 0 or blank the LDAP server will return all search results. Please note that a very large value of the “Max. Hits” will slow down the LDAP lookup, therefore the setting should be configured according to the available bandwidth. The default value for this setting is blank.
Default Value: 50
3.2.9 LDAP Name Attributes
Description: This setting can be used to specify the “name” attributes of each record which are to be returned in the LDAP search results. This setting compresses the search results, as the server only returns the attributes which are requested by the Escene phone. The setting allows the user to configure multiple space separated name attributes. Please consult your system administrator regarding which name attributes are to be configured.
Valid Values: Space separated name attributes, see examples below.
Default Value: <blank>
¢ cn sn displayName
Requires “cn”, “sn” and “displayName” fields for each LDAP record.
¢ givenName
Requires “givenName” field for each LDAP record.
¢ vorName nachName
Requires “vorName” and “nachName” fields for each LDAP record.
3.2.10 LDAP Number Attributes
Description: This setting can be used to specify the “number” attributes of each record which are to be returned in the LDAP search results by the LDAP server. This setting compresses the search results, as the server only returns the attributes which are requested. The user can configure multiple space separated number attributes by using this setting. Please consult you system administrator regarding which number attributes are to be configured.
Valid Values: space separated number attributes e.g. telephoneNumber Mobile ipPhone Home
Default Value: <blank>
¢ Mobile telephoneNumber ipPhone
Requires “Mobile”, “telephoneNumber” and “ipPhone” fields for each LDAP record.
¢ Home Private Office
Requires “Home”, “Private” and “Office” fields for each LDAP record.
3.2.11 Protocol
Description: Protocol is the protocol version for the phone when send the bind request to the server. Please make sure your LDAP server support version 3/2 bind request.
Valid Values: version 3/version 2
Default Value: version 3
3.2.12 Search Delay(ms)(0~2000)
Description: This setting is for configuring the delay display time after search.
Valid Values: 0~2000
Default Value: 0
3.2.13 LDAP Lookup for Incoming Call
Description: This setting can be used to enable calling line identification using LDAP. When the setting is turned
“Enable”, the phone performs an LDAP number search for the incoming number and displays the name of the calling party accordingly.
Valid Values: <Enabled>, <Disabled>
Default Value: Disabled
3.2.14 LDAP Sorting Results
Description: This setting is for sorting the search results, if make this option “Enabled”, it will arrange in the first alphabetical of the name order if return the name display; if only has the number return, it will list in numerical order. Valid Values: <Enabled>, <Disabled>
Default Value: Disabled
3.2.15 LDAP Lookup for PreDial/Dial
Description: This setting can be used to enable call out line identification using LDAP. When the setting is turned
“Enabled”, the phone performs an LDAP number search for PreDial or Dial status.
Valid Values: <Enabled>, <Disabled>
Default Value: Disabled
3.3 Example for Configuration
You can use the below settings as a starting point and adjust the filter and display attributes according to your needs.
LDAP Name Filter: (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=%))
LDAP Number Filter: (&(telephoneNumber=%s)(sn=*))
Server Address: #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Port: 389 #####this setting is relate with the server configuration. Base: dc=Escene,dc=cn #####this setting is relate with the server configuration. User Name: cn=manager,dc=escene,dc=cn #####this setting is relate with the server
Password: ***** #####this setting is relate with the server configuration. Max.Hits: 50
LDAP Name Attributes: cn sn displayName
LDAP Number Attributes: Mobile telephoneNumber ipPhone
Protocol: Version 3 #####this setting is relate with the server configuration.
Search Delay(ms)(0~2000): 0
LDAP Lookup for Incoming Call: Enabled
LDAP Sorting Results: Enabled
LDAP Lookup for PreDial/Dial: Enabled
Kami juga menjual IP Phone merek lain, yang juga memiliki teknologi LDAP : Yealink, Grandstream, Fanvil, Metavoice
Untuk Konsultasi Teknikal & Pembelian alat :
PT SOPHOS TECHNOLOGY. Kompleks Perkantoran Grand Olimo
Jl. Hayam Wuruk Raya kav.102-C0, Jakarta Barat
Telepon 021-2262-4988
Tags: ip phone escene